Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ze Synthesis

How can effective Google searching ease finding information in the internet? Which feature will be most useful in your field?

With Google, people are able to find lots of information that they need for their everyday life (i.e. for their homework, recipes for chocolate chip cookies, etc.) 

We can now convert any measurement we like using only Google. So if our calculators go missing, we can just surf the Net for answers. 

We can also convert currencies, solve equations from Math formulas, get the meanings of different words which almost always elude us. We can look up any time from any place here on Earth! Amazing isn't it? We can also get sunrise and sunset times :) 

I think that every feature of Google can be useful for all of us. It is an innovation like no other. I wonder what features will be invented next? Let's stay tuned. 

- End of Synthesis - 

Queries for CMSC 2 :-)

*Hey there human being. This is for my Computer Science 2 class. Feel free to peruse. 

1. Search results are all the same which ever search engine you chose. True or False?

    This is False. It depends on the search engine and the way it filters or organizes information. 

So according to this site


Google is the most popular search engine. Yahoo and Bing are used as well. 

The above picture is taken from the above url. 

2. Word order in a search query matters. True or False?

This is True. For example, if you typed Bat Man in lieu of Man Bat I am sure that they will produce different results. 

3. In Google, what should you use to include synonyms of a certain word from your results     (for example, "schools" in "top schools in the Philippines)?

     a. top schools OR university OR college in philippines
     b. top +schools in philippines
     c. top (schools/university/college) in philippines
     d. top ~schools in the philippines

I'll have to go with Letter A. 

4. Welche Zeit wird die Sonne aufgehen in Nizza, heute Frankreich?

This is German by the way.
According to Google Translate this means
What time will the sun rise in Nice, France today?
The answer to that question is 7:41 Wednesday (CET).

5. Trivia with a twist. A Google A Day is a trivia game where searching for the answer on Google is not only allowed but encouraged. One question from a google a day is:
If you consecutively slept one night in each room (excluding bathrooms) of the Palace of the Light of Faith, how many years would it take you to sleep in them all?

So it says here on this site


" A search for 'the palace of the light of faith' revealed that Istana Nurul Iman is the name of the palace in Brunei and that there are 1788 rooms including 257 bathrooms. That leaves 1531 rooms divided by 365 equals 4.19 years. "
I found that answer by typing "palace of the light of faith rooms -bathrooms."

So that's the end of Part 1. Cheers xx